finPOWER Connect
Australasia’s most popular Finance system with over 400 clients in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and beyond
finPOWER Connect software was released in 2010 and provides seamless integration from web based applications to decisioning, pay-out, loan management and collection through to customer relationship management. Developed by Intersoft Systems in Napier, New Zealand, finPOWER Connect is a product developed over 30 years’ experience in producing software for the finance industry. finPOWER Connect has a wide range of features and functionality specifically designed for the finance industry. There are a number of core Modules and wide range of optional Add-Ons that allow the system to be configured to the requirements of individual clients.
finPOWER Connect is designed for the finance, lending and investment industries and is currently Australasia’s leading finance software package. Over 400 clients in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands enjoy the advanced functionality and features. Our clients use the system to manage:
- Small Amount Credit Contracts (SACC)
- Medium Amount Credit Contracts (MACC)
- No Interest Loans (NILs)
- Legal Funding
- Settlement Loans
- Personal Loans
- Consumer Loans
- Microfinance Loans
- Mortgage Management
- Asset Financing
- Commercial Lending
- Equipment Leasing
- Chattel Mortgages
- Residential Mortgages
- Line of Credit
- Revolving Credit
- Development Loans
- Investment Deposits
- Term Investments
- On Call Deposits
Module List With Description
- Note some modules have pre-requisite modules which are also listed below
Account Modules
- Term Loan Accounts
- The Loan Account Module provides core functionality to operate Consumer Credit type Loan Accounts. A wide range of options for Interest and Fees are included as are options for Term, Payments and Overdue processing. Interest is calculated on the outstanding daily balance and charged according to a defined term. Also, for Accounts where interest is calculated at the start of the loan, charged and then an early settlement Rebate is applied in the event of an early payment for the full account balance, the Term Loan Accounts is ideally suited. This module is ideal for loans offered UCCC in Australia.
- Revolving Credit Accounts
- The Revolving Credit Module provides functionality that facilitates a flexible line of credit for clients that can have multiple drawdown’s, a variety of repayment options and flexible interest calculation methods. Revolving Credit facilities have a wide range of uses that include Development Loans, Store Cards, Floor Plan financing and Agricultural and Horticultural Seasonal Accounts
- Fixed Term Floating Rate Accounts
- Interest Bearing Deposit Accounts
Account Add-Ons
These Account focused modules expand on the core functionality and provide additional features for Account processing.
- Accounting Ledgers
- Adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will require many finance companies to recognise deferred revenue from their lending activities over the term of the loans involved. The finPOWER Connect Accounting Ledgers Add-On gives you the toolset to amortise both revenue and cost items in accordance with IFRS.
- Advanced Banking (Includes Direct Debits)
- Where you want to offer the convenience of Direct Debit and Credit Card payment to your clients then this module facilitates the automatic creation of Bank Transactions and the ability to export these to your Banking software. It even caters for the requirement to charge Credit Card Processing fees in addition to the regular repayment amount.
- Promotions
- Do you need to offer limited time frame “promotions” to a selected group of Agents or Dealers? The Promotions module allows the standard loan characteristics such as interest rate or interest free term to be over-ridden for a specified time and can be applied to only a limited group of introducers. For example, the Promotions module allows you to offer a 6 month interest free deal to a specific retail chain until the end of a specified month.
Client Add-Ons
The core finPOWER Connect client file is comprehensive but the addition of the modules below adds advanced features and CRM type functionality.
- Advanced Clients (AKA’s, Employment Details, Identification)
- The base finPOWER Connect system comes with a comprehensive client file but where additional information is required to be captured the Advanced Client module should be used. It introduces functionality such as ‘Also Known As’, Employment details (for Individuals), Personnel details (for Organisations) and Identification details.
- Client Statistics
- An important evaluation criteria of any client is their ability to service a loan. To measure this you need to record their essential Client Statistics, i.e. Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities, and track changes in these over time. The client Statistics Module is designed to do this efficiently and intelligently with the ability to add or remove the statistics recorded and define the frequency of the data entered.
- Credit Enquiry
- The Credit Enquiry module provides the functionality to directly enquire on a client’s credit history as stored with Veda in both NZ and Australia and Centrix in NZ. The resulting Credit Reports are stored on the client file electronically for later easy reference.
- Address Interface
- The Addressing module allows a search of relevant state wide post codes for a given address.
- Full Verification
External Party Add-Ons
In finPOWER Connect, External Parties are all the important organisations and relationships you have outside of your core business unit. These modules help you to track and manage those relationships.
- External Parties (Dealers, Brokers, Insurers and “Other” EP Types)
- Where you have dealings with parties outside of your organisation – External Parties – the External Party Module allows you to record their details and manage their structures. For External Parties, full information can be maintained including employees and comprehensive contact details. Each Account and Client can be allocated to an External Party allowing you to assess the performance of your extended business network. The External Parties Module allows you to set up groups for ‘Dealers’, ‘Brokers’, ‘Insurers’ and ‘Other’ External Party types.
- Advanced External Parties (Requires External Parties)
- Once you have the External Parties Module, the Advanced External Parties Module adds functionality for Disbursements (settlements), Dealer Commissions, and internal Business Development Managers.
- Securitisation (Requires External Parties & Advanced External Parties)
- Where loans are securitized with a Bulk Funder or Funders, the Securitisation Add-On allows loans to be “sold” to the Funder and a schedule of payments maintained. Loans can also be “bought back” and transferred between Funders. Funder payments can be on a separate cycle and are independent of the Loan account repayments. Payment schedules to the Funder are generated on due dates and disbursed via Direct Credit. The Securitization Add-On is highly customizable and makes extensive use of Scripts to ensure each Funder model is catered for.
- External Users (Requires External Parties)
- Once you have the External Parties Module, the External Users Module allows remote access to the finPOWER Connect database (via WAN, Remote Access tools etc.) and restricts them to viewing only their own Accounts. Access rights can be given for other groups of Accounts if required. This allows your extended business network to undertake their own enquiries on the Accounts they are associated with – saving you and your staff valuable time and money. They can also be given rights to add log notes, update contact details etc. thus further freeing up your valuable time.
Security Add-Ons
Within finPOWER Connect the Securities Register is the central point to record details of any and all security interests you have.
- Security Register
- The Security Register module adds key functionality to add collateral information to an Account and / or Clients. Whether your collateral is Land and Buildings, Motor Vehicles, Insurance Policies, Aircraft, Boats, Investments or general goods the Security Register module will capture all the relevant information relating to it.
- The Security Register Module allows you to manually capture key PPSR information such as Security Registration Number and to generate you’re the necessary notices.
- The PPSR Interface module provides for the direct interface to the PPSR via the PPSR B2G Internet service. This provides for automatic Registering, Discharging etc of Financing Statements without the need for manual keying of information.
- MotorWeb Interface
General Add-Ons
These general modules add advanced functionality to a number of areas within finPOWER Connect.
- Accounting Interface
- Where you wish to interface to a third party General Ledger system such as MYOB, the Accounting Interface module provides a number of different formats to export General Ledger information in. This then allows the file to be imported into your preferred accounting system.
- Branches
- The Branches module allows Accounts, Clients, External Parties etc. to be allocated to different Branches. This Branch allocation can then be used for reporting purposes and subsequent performance analysis of the different Branches. Users can be limited to accessing Accounts and Clients etc. linked to a single Branch, a range of Branches or all Branches.
- Entities (Requires Branches)
- The Entities module allows multiple legal entities to be set up within one finPOWER Connect database. Each Entity can have their own IRD or ABN number, Branches, Bank Accounts and, in New Zealand, Secured Party Groups (SPG’s) for registration on the PPSR. Users can be limited to accessing Accounts and Clients etc. linked to a single Entity, a range of Entities or all Entities.
- Document Manager
- The Document Manager Module allows you to move towards a “paperless office”. It adds functionality to view Documents and other files for Accounts, Clients, Security Statements and Users electronically, without the need to refer to the manual copies constantly. New documents can be scanned and stored on a file for easy access and retrieval. Additional information can be optionally stored against each file.
- Page Sets
- Rate Tables
- This module adds functionality to create rate tables to use in Interest calculations. Note that this functionality is only available for Revolving Credit type accounts currently.
- SMS Services
- The SMS Service Module adds the ease, cost saving and speed of sending SMS TXT’s direct to your client base. Whether it be a payment reminder, marketing offer or even an overdue note, delivering them via SMS is easy and simple with finPOWER Connect and the SMS Service module. When a client replies to the SMS, it is send to an elected e-mail address from processing. Subsequent replies to the e-mail will be delivered to the client via SMS again.
- Web Services and Automation
- The finPOWER Connect Web Interface is a Web Application that provides an interface to reproduce some of the functionality available in the finPOWER Connect Windows application. Using this interface, Users, including External Users such as dealers can view Account and Client information and perform tasks such as adding new loans, adding logs or producing a quotation. The Web Interface does not aim to offer the same functionality as the finPOWER Connect Windows application but rather to supplement the functionality and allow remote access via any compatible browser-enabled device.
- Web Interface (Requires Web Automation)
- This Module allows the finPOWER Connect Business Layer to be used by custom applications running on a Microsoft IIS Web Server. This is essential where you wish to develop a web portal for clients or External Parties to offer the ease and convenience of web based services.
- Workflows
- The Workflow module adds functionality to implement workflows throughout the finPOWER Connect system. Whether it be Overdue Monitoring, Collections or Documentation checks, any process that follows a set process of rules and steps can be modelled into a workflow that can be initialised from different triggers within finPOWER Connect.
Enterprise Edition
- Enterprise Module (incl MS SQL Server Support)
- The SQL Server Module adds support for Microsoft SQL Server databases. For more information see System Requirements.
- It is recommended that SQL Server is used when the finPOWER Connect database size exceeds 100MB, or has more than 10 users.
System Requirements
The following are the minimum requirements:
- Windows Server 2003 or above.
- finPOWER Connect 2.x requires the .NET Framework version 4.5 or later to be installed. Note, version 4.5.2 or later is the preferred version.
- finPOWER Connect 3.0.x requires the .NET Framework version 4.5 or later to be installed. However, it is strongly recommended you install version 4.6.1 or later.
- finPOWER Connect 3.1.x requires the .NET Framework version 4.7.1 or later to be installed.
- Internet Information Services (IIS) version 6 or above.
- ASP.NET version 4 or above.
- A SSL certificate installed under IIS.
- finPOWER Connect Database must be licensed for:
- Enterprise Edition (includes support for SQL Server)
- Web Services and Automation Module.
- The Web Server must be able to connect to the SQL Server hosting the finPOWER Connect database.
- A local Access database may be used for testing purposes.